Over 65 years of experience
Founded in 1927
The company name BAYROL is composed of the words "Bavaria (Bayern)" and the surname of the founder, Dr Heinz Pohl. He incorporated our group of companies in Munich in 1927 with the aim of developing and manufacturing state-of-the-art products for cleaning and disinfecting beer tanks.
From 1955, Dr Pohl focused on swimming pool water treatment, making the company a pioneer in this field, which over the decades developed into a pool water expert.
Dr Pohl recognised the high potential in seminal markets very early on, and as a consequence BAYROL already started expanding at the beginning of the 1970ies by opening subsidiaries in France and Spain.
Milestones in our company history
1927 Founding of the company in Munich
1955 Focus on pool water treatment
1959 Patenting of the algaecide „Desalgine®“, still in our range today
1972 Opening of BAYROL France
1972 Management of the water treatment for the competition pools at the Olympic Games in Munich
1973 Opening of BAYROL Iberica

1982 Introduction of water treatment based on active oxygen with "Bayroklar®" and "Bayroplus®"
1985 Introduction of the first automatic dosing system "Bayromat PoolManager®"
1992 Management of the water treatment for the competition pools at the Olympic Games in Barcelona
2000 Introduction of the sachet product „Soft & Easy“ based on active oxygen in granular form, as well as the automatic dosing system „Pool Relax®“
2006 Introduction of „Varitab®“, the world’s first double layer tablet for pool water treatment
2012 Introduction of the 5th generation of the "PoolManager® "
2013 Introduction of "SpaTime®", the dedicated range for spa water care
2013 Introduction of the new BAYROL Corporate Design
2013 Acquisition by KIK Custom Products Inc. (Toronto, Canada)
2015 Introduction of "Naturally Salt", the dedicated range for automatic salt water pool care
2016 Product innovation "Clorodor Control®" capsule
2017 New company sub-division BAYROL Technik, introduction of the automatic dosing system „Automatic“
2020 Introduction of the automatic dosing system „Automatic SALT“ for salt water pool care

Strong brands: BAYROL, SpaTime, BAYROL Technik
Our responsibility as the pool water expert
Since the 1950s, we have been passionate about developing water care products for pools and spas that are efficient and easy to use.
This has resulted in numerous innovations and patents that are well known among pool owners, for instance active oxygen water care in granular form in pre-dosed sachets, and various multifunctional products like the double layer tablet.
For a better understanding and to support pool owners in the best way possible, we have divided water treatment into four essential steps: 1. Water balance, 2. Disinfection, 3. Algae prevention and 4. Flocculation.
For hygienic reasons, the pool water must always be sanitised. Disinfection is therefore an essential step in water care to which we draw particularly high attention.
we TAKE care OF your safety and well-being
As experts, we take responsibility for the safety and well-being of our employees and dealers, as well as for the users of our products. We make sure that all products and packaging meet the highest standards (European and national legislation, child security closing systems, UN certification etc.).
We offer pool owners the safest products regarding product composition, for example by excluding heavy metals such as copper sulphate in our formulations.
We continuously seek for solutions to reduce risks and inconvenience during the application of our products (risk management). Against this background, we have developed the Clorodor Control® capsule in 2016. This capsule is inside all BAYROL chlorine tablet buckets to neutralise the unpleasant smell of chlorine that escapes into the air when opening the bucket, thus avoiding any discomfort.
As a result of our research and development combined with our expertise, we always offer you the best solutions for pool and spa water care!
Our OBJECTIVE: to offer you the best
Our goal is to provide you with pool water care solutions that are as simple, safe and efficient as possible. However, this can only be achieved through the quality of our products.
Only a few manufacturers in Europe maintain their own research laboratory as we do, where we continuously improve and enhance our product range.
We thoroughly select all raw materials and carefully test our products throughout the process - from production to market launch. With this high level of standards, we have been accompanying you as the experts for water treatment in pools and spas for over 65 years.